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Paving Pathways for Justice & Accountability: Human Rights for Diaspora Communities

Date: January 1, 2014
Authors: Amy Bergquist, Theresa Dykoschak, Michele Garnett McKenzie, Rosalyn Park, Robin Phillips
Country: All
Type: Manual
Issues Here: Diaspora Engagement, Human Rights Defenders, International Advocacy, Technical Assistance, Capacity Building, Training
Paving Pathways for Justice & Accountability - full download (PDF 17.9 MB)
Cover and Front Matter (PDF 165.4 KB)
Quick Reference Guide (PDF 98.1 KB)
Table of Contents (PDF 56.8 KB)
Chapter 1: Introduction (PDF 315.1 KB)
Chapter 2: Human Rights Background (PDF 1.8 MB)
Chapter 3: Monitoring (PDF 1.3 MB)
Chapter 4: Additional Monitoring Tools (PDF 341.2 KB)
Chapter 5: Remote Monitoring (PDF 468.6 KB)
Chapter 6: Documentation: Writing the Report (PDF 736.3 KB)
Chapter 7: Advocacy (PDF 1.8 MB)
Chapter 8: Accountability (PDF 1.5 MB)
Chapter 9: Advocacy at the United Nations (PDF 2.3 MB)
Chapter 10: Advocacy at Regional Human Rights Mechanisms (PDF 1.2 MB)
Chapter 11: Building Capacity to Be Effective Human Rights Advocates (PDF 614.0 KB)
Appendix A: Document Storage (PDF 378.3 KB)
Appendix B: Report Layout (PDF 405.8 KB)
Appendix C: Best Practices: Using Popular Social Media Platforms for Effective Human Rights Advocacy (PDF 1.3 MB)
Appendix D: Tips for Navigating Social Media Platforms (PDF 870.6 KB)
Appendix E: Sample Press Release (PDF 16.3 KB)
Appendix F: Diaspora Ministries (PDF 109.7 KB)
Appendix G: Resources for Advocacy on Business Practices and Human Rights (PDF 43.4 KB)
Appendix H: National Human Rights Institutions (PDF 39.4 KB)
Appendix I: Complaint Mechanisms (PDF 310.9 KB)
Appendix J: Human Rights Council Complaint Procedure Form (PDF 41.9 KB)
Appendix K: UN and Regional Special Procedures (PDF 111.6 KB)
Appendix L: Checklist for Shadow Reporting to the UN and Regional Human Rights Mechanisms (PDF 22.7 KB)
Appendix M: 10 Steps to Writing a Shadow Report (PDF 360.8 KB)
Appendix N: OHCHR Fact Sheet on CEDAW Communications (PDF 52.3 KB)
Appendix O: CEDAW Communication Template (PDF 37.3 KB)
Appendix P: African Commission Shadow Report Template (PDF 49.5 KB)
Appendix Q: Resources for Human Rights Defenders (PDF 123.8 KB)
Photograph and Image Credits and Back Cover (PDF 106.8 KB)

People in diaspora communities have an increasingly important global role to play as a bridge between individuals, governments, and international legal and political mechanisms. Diaspora communities are a critical link in creating change - from within the country, as well as from without - in social institutions and structures to hold governments accountable and promote the full realization of human rights.

The publication provided practical tools and step-by-step guidance for diaspora community groups and individuals who want to use human rights monitoring, documentation, and advocacy in their work to change policy and improve human rights conditions in their countries of origin. The contents of this manual have been shaped by the requests for assistance and guidance that The Advocates routinely receives from diaspora communities, as well as by input from human rights defenders in the Global South. The manual is designed to aid advocates of all backgrounds and experiences. With background information, key questions to consider, case examples, templates, and practitioners' tips, this manual provides tools to combat human rights abuses and promote the full realization of human rights.

Researched and written by The Advocates for Human Rights in 2014, Paving Pathways for Justice & Accountability: Human Rights Tools for Diaspora Communities provides a full menu of useful resources that are grounded in the daily work of human rights defenders. While this manual was created to facilitate the inclusion of diaspora voices in efforts to hold governments accountable for human rights, we hope that it will also benefit and be used by human rights defenders and civil society organizations throughout the world.