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Know Your Rights

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(French and Karen versions translated by the Center for Victims of Torture)

What can I do if ICE stops me on the street?

Graphic about what to do if ICE stops you on the street

Stay calm. Ask “Am I free to go?”

If they say yes, walk away and say: I do not want to answer any questions.

If they say no, say: I do not want to answer any questions. I want to speak to a lawyer.

What do I do if ICE is at my door?

What do I do if ICE is at my door?

  1. You have the right to keep your door closed and to remain silent.
  2. You have a right to ask to see a warrant signed by a judge.
  3. If ICE does not have a warrant signed by a judge, you can ask them to leave.

Important: If you want to exercise your right to remain silent, tell ICE in any language: I want to remain silent.

What do I do if I’m pulled over while driving?

Graphic about what to do when pulled over while driving

  1. Pull over and show your driver’s license.
  2. Ask who they are, why you were pulled over, and if they have an arrest warrant.
  3. Refuse to answer any questions about your criminal or immigration history.
  4. If you’re the passenger, remain silent and refuse to answer questions about your criminal or immigration history.
  5. Ask if you are under arrest and leave if the answer is “no.”

Make a plan

It is critical for immigrant families to think ahead and set more concrete plans for immigration emergencies that can arise. ILRC's Step by Step Family Preparedness Plan is a toolkit that will guide families through what to do if a parent or guardian becomes unavailable or is removed.

The Make-A-Plan interview can help you manage your property and make arrangements for your bills or debts.

A Delegation of Parental Authority (DOPA) is a document that lets someone take care of your children when you can't. DOPAs are good when you are going out of the state or county for any reason. It can be part of vacation planning or if you are facing deportation or jail.

Learn your immigration options

Pay an immigration lawyer for a consultation ($0-$500) to understand your immigration options. Make sure the lawyer is licensed to practice law and has immigration law experience.

Find free immigration legal help around Minnesota.

Download NAKASEC's Know Your Rights app

Access information about your rights and legal resources if you are at risk of being detained by deportation agents.