Albania - Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (List of Issues Prior to Reporting) - Rights of Minorities - January 2022
Country: Albania
Type: Intl Mechanism Submission
Issues: Migrant Rights, Minority Rights
Mechanism: UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Report Type: List of Issues Prior to Reporting
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1. The government of Albania violates the rights of minority groups.Roma / Egyptians experience discrimination in almost all areas including housing, employment, education, and services.
2. Marginalized groups such as Roma and Egyptian populations also face barriers to obtaining birth registration for their children and other important procedural documents.
3. Domestic violence remains a problem. Despite the provision of new legislation on domestic violence, there is a lack of support services or a limited number of services to address the needs of victims of domestic violence (emergency shelters, social housing programs, employment services, rehabilitation programs etc.) Police, prosecutors, health care institutions, and other systems actors lack adequate training to implement the new laws and protocols.
4. Roma and Egyptian children face barriers to accessing education. Dropout rates are high for girls compared to boys. Children with disabilities are at even greater risk of exclusion from basic education.