The Advocates Condemns Harmful Day One Announcements from the Trump Administration
Minneapolis, MN (January 21, 2025) -- The Advocates joins the many organizations and individuals with deep concerns about both the policies and the approach President Trump adopted on his first day. Many of his new policies violate human rights standards that are the bedrock of functioning societies, while his approach seeks to place his actions above the law. While much can be done through executive orders, a president’s actions remain constrained by the Constitution, Congress, the courts, the states, and the people of this country. These actions are also subject to criticism, protest, and accountability through the democratic process. The Government must govern for all people in America—there is no such thing as a “mandate” for divisive policies that seek to harm individuals, to subvert the rights of the people, or to propagate fear.
The next few years are not going to be easy—and so many face a risk of serious harm. However, The Advocates is prepared to continue our work defending the rights of all people; we refuse to fall prey to the deluge of efforts by the new administration to exhaust our energies, and we remain steadfast in our knowledge that Americans do not desire policies that harm people.
We know that many of these efforts are designed to sow fear and misinformation, discouraging individuals from advocating for their rights and making them afraid to engage in the normal activities of daily life. We denounce policies that undermine the ability of all people to live without fear and harm. We also reject the harmful rhetoric used to justify the policies: people seeking safety from violence and persecution is not an "invasion." People seeking to utilize legal processes to present a claim for asylum is not a “national security threat.” And while the dangers of cartels and organized violence at the border must be addressed, that violence is fueled by militarization of the border, the exact policy the administration now proposes.
Beyond immigration issues, we are deeply disappointed to see a promised expansion of the death penalty—intertwined with efforts to target migrants. We are also frustrated that the President is dedicating energies to dismantling protective programs that promote diversity, racial equity, and inclusion for LGBTIQ+ individuals. Going by the executive order requiring the federal government to recognize only two sexes, these policies will require ignoring science as well as the law and will create confusion for individuals who already have gender-affirming documentation, either from their state or on a current passport. The harm caused by that confusion is the first of the problems LGBTIQ+ people can expect to face under the Trump Administration.
As these and other harmful policies are proposed, we urge individuals to seek reliable information and not act until they have confirmation from a reputable source. Many of the executive orders and actions announced cannot be carried out without congressional appropriations or regulatory processes, and many face litigation over their legality.
As we have for more than 40 years, The Advocates remains steadfast in our commitment to ensuring all people can live in safety, free from violations of their rights, and with dignity.