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Getting Involved in Human Rights

January 16, 2024

Stature of Justice with lights

It is through the work of The Advocates and other human rights organizations that these problems are addressed, and the violators held to national and international standards.

We are human. All of us. Food, water, medicine, clothes, and shelter are prime examples of what each person requires for their baseline dignity. The dignity that we all hold is something which many people can unite behind. The Advocates for Human Rights envisions a world in which every person lives with dignity, freedom, justice, equality, and peace. We believe that every person has a part to play in building respect for human rights and expanding the human rights movement in the United States and around the world.

Too often, human rights violations strip away human dignity. Issues like human trafficking, asylum, gender and sexuality minorities, and the death penalty are all parts of the more complex web of human rights. It is through the work of The Advocates and other human rights organizations that these problems are addressed, and the violators held to national and international standards.

We help people navigate complex the immigration process to get protection from persecution, torture, or trafficking. We partner with human rights defenders to document violations and identify solutions along with actively work at the United Nations to make changes for largescale impact. Each day, real people ready to protect human rights contact us to get involved. That help can come in the form of volunteering through pro bono legal aidinternships, interpreters, and financial donations. Whatever the method, The Advocates is always happy to get those interested involved with human rights.