Amicus Curiae brief in support of the Pan African Lawyers Union's request for an Advisory Opinion on the Compatibility of the Death Penalty with the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
Country: All Africa
Partner: World Coalition Against the Death Penalty
Issues: Death Penalty, International Advocacy
Mechanism: African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
Report Type: Amicus brief
In this submission in support of the Pan African Lawyers Union, the amici explain that the death penalty per se is an arbitrary deprivation of life, in violation of Article 4 of the African Charter, because the weight of the evidence shows that the death penalty is not necessary to achieve the stated purpose of reducing crime and as a penalty implicating human rights under the Charter it is disproportionate to the benefits it seeks to capture.
On October 10, 2024, The Advocates for Human Rights held a webinar to announce the launch of its amicus brief in the context of the theme for World Day Against the Death Penalty: The Death Penalty Protects No One. One of the pro bono attorneys who drafted the amicus brief presented its primary arguments and an expert on the African Court provided additional context about the strategic litigation and the role of amicus briefs in shaping the Court's jurisprudence.