Comments by The Advocates for Human Rights on the Criminal Code, Administrative Code, and Criminal Procedural Code of Turkmenistan
Country: Turkmenistan
Issues: Women's Rights
Mechanism: UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
Report Type: Other
The Advocates for Human Rights (The Advocates) reviewed the Criminal Code, the Administrative Code, and the Criminal Procedural Code of Turkmenistan at the request of Progres Foundation.
The Advocates bases its comments on an unofficial translation of the Codes, as provided by Progres Foundation. Any quotations are derived from this unofficial translation. The commentary below is not intended to be an exhaustive analysis but a commentary based on the provisions we see as an urgent priority for reform. Our commentary is based on international legal standards and best practices including: CEDAW and its relevant General Recommendations, UN Handbook for Legislation on Violence against Women (2010), the UN Women Virtual Knowledge Centre to End Violence against Women and Girls (, other relevant instruments, and recognized best practices and policies.