The Advocates for Human Rights is offering in-person training for new volunteers to join our WATCH court monitoring project. WATCH uses the practice of court monitoring to defend the human rights of survivors of domestic abuse, sexual assault, and sex trafficking. WATCH volunteers observe and document the court experience and analyze the legal response to gender-based violence. WATCH plays a vital role in AHR’s advocacy work to defend the rights of survivors and combat gender-based violence. For more information on WATCH, our mission, and goals, see the attached sheet.
WATCH will be offering two upcoming training events, one for court monitoring in criminal court and one for court monitoring in civil court (focusing on Orders for Protection and Harassment Restraining Orders). See below for training details and sign up.
WATCH Criminal Court Training:
When: Friday January 31 | 9:00 AM-4:30 PM
Where: The Advocates for Human Rights, 330 2nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55401 (first floor training center)
Volunteer Requirements: WATCH volunteers are asked to commit to two half-day shifts of court monitoring per month if possible. Shifts take place Monday through Friday (8:45AM - 12:45PM or 12:45 - 4:45PM). All shifts take place in-person at the courthouse in downtown Minneapolis. Mentoring, supervision, and ongoing support for volunteers is provided by AHR staff.
Registration Link: Sign-up Here
WATCH Civil Court Training:
When: Friday February 7 | 9:00 AM-4:30 PM
Where: The Advocates for Human Rights, 330 2nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55401 (first floor training center)
Volunteer Requirements: WATCH volunteers are asked to commit to two half-day shifts of court monitoring per month if possible. Shifts take place Monday through Friday (8:45AM - 12:45PM or 12:45 - 4:45PM). There are opportunities for in-person and remote shifts. Mentoring, supervision, and ongoing support for volunteers is provided by AHR staff.
Registration Link: Sign-up Here