Verónica Cadavid González

Verónica is a Legal Advocacy Advisor at The Advocates for Human Rights. Verónica leads the legal advocacy at the United Nations and regional human rights systems on civic space and gender-based violence and discrimination, in collaboration with a network of global human rights defenders. As a Legal Advocacy Advisor, she also advises the collaboration with individuals with lived experience expertise and human rights defenders in the diaspora from a movement lawyering and legal empowering approaches. Verónica is also one of the Advocates’ experts on sex trafficking and exploitation. In the last two years, I have submitted more than 40 submissions and reports to the United Nations and other stakeholders with first-hand information and direct input from impacted individuals and local partners.
Verónica is a human rights attorney and practitioner with a decade of experience working in nonprofits, the private sector, academy, and international governmental organizations. Verónica’s experience spans both the Global South and Global North, combining a deep understanding of international law, research, policy advocacy, and community engagement. She specializes in integrating human rights principles into law and policy development, with extensive thematic expertise in gender justice, economic, social, and cultural rights, the human rights economy, and the rights of people in rural areas.
Verónica is an Attorney from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Colombia) and has Master of Human Rights from the University of Minnesota Humphrey School of Public Affairs.
Academic Publications
- Cadavid-Gonzalez, V & Allsopp, J. "Sewing Migrant Journeys in a Bullet-proof vest: The Museum as a Site of Memory and Mutual Learning in Medellín, Colombia." In North & Chase (Editor) Migration and Development. Critical Perspectives in a Moving World, Bloomsbury.
- Nuernberger, K, Henry M, Seidel, T, Jones, J, Lyons, A, and Cadavid-González, V (2021). "On Water, Equity, and Justice." Open Rivers: Rethinking Water, Place & Community, no. 19.
- Garcia Jaramillo, S. C., Garcia Cano, D. M., & Cadavid Gonzalez, V. (2019). "Words on Returning: Narratives on Displacement and Returning in Indigenous Communities in Colombia." Museum International, 71(3-4), 130-141.
- Sánchez-Escobar, C., & Cadavid González, V. (2021). "La movilidad como elemento común para la construcción de territorio. El desplazamiento forzado y la migración en Colombia" [Mobility as a Common Element for Territory Building: The Case of Forced Displaced People and Migrants in Colombia]. Peláez Grisales, H (Ed), Sujetos de especial protección. 76-101. Medellín, Colombia.
- Molina-Saldarriaga, C. A., Restrepo-Velásquez, D., Cadavid-González, V., & Orozco-Castañeda, S. (2020). "Tribunales simulados como estrategia para la enseñanza clínica del derecho: experiencia del Grupo de Litigio Estratégico de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana." [Moot Courts Competitions as Strategy of Legal Education. The Experience of Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Legal Clinic]. P. A. Cataño-Gómez (Ed.), Enseñanza clínica del derecho. Algunas experiencias universitarias en el Valle de Aburrá , 63-103. Medellín, Colombia: Sello Editorial Universidad de Medellín.
- Sánchez-Escobar, C., & Cadavid González, V. (2019). "Generar una cultura migratoria: el reto de la Clínica Jurídica de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana" [Implementing a migratory culture. the challenge of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Legal Clinic] Revista Indisciplinas, 5(10), 49-67.
Looking Back, Looking Forward: Examining 20 Years of Minnesota’s Response to Sex Trafficking
March 8, 2025
International Mechanism Submissions
Montenegro - Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women - Women's rights - April 2024
April 15, 2024
Standing in Solidarity with Nicaragua
April 19, 2024