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Legal Help | Ayuda

Case #24-0018682

O and J from Guatemala

Type of Case: Removal; SIJS
Language/interpretation needs: Spanish (interpreter needed)
Date of Entry (and status (if any): 1/1/2021 (O), 12/22/21 (J)
Hearing Date: 04/11/2024 (O Master Calendar, IJ Carr), no upcoming hearing (J)
Interview Date: N/A
Current Status/status expiry: N/A
State Court Order Status: On waitlist with VLN for predicate order

O and J were physically abused by their mother. Mother would beat J when he did not do things well or when she was in a bad mood. She abandoned O for about a week without necessities, after which he lived with his paternal grandmother but continued to fear his mother would find him. Mother's family was also abusive towards both brothers, trying to kill O and beating J until his leg was broken. After receiving money and support from his father, O fled to the US to escape his mother. J ultimately followed.

Theory of the case: SIJS based on abuse, abandonment, or neglect by mother. Once SIJS is approved court proceedings can be terminated.

Commitment: SIJS – review predicate order, file SIJS application; Removal – administratively close and then terminate court proceedings
Asylum or other immigration interview: No
Court: Yes
Experience level/case team size recommended: Appropriate for any experience level; 1-2 attorneys

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