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Legal Help | Ayuda

Case #23-0017441

T from Mexico

Type of Case: Removal (optional); SIJS
Language/interpretation needs: Spanish (step-mom speaks English)
Date of Entry (and status (if any): 05/03/2023
Hearing Date: 12/22/2025 (Master - IJ Sardelli)
Current Status/status expiry: None
State Court Order Status: Awaiting VLN Volunteer

Case summary: T and his siblings had a difficult life with their mother, M, who had severe substance abuse problems (alcohol and unspecified drugs) and subjected the children to poor living conditions and mistreatment. M passed away approximately 3 years ago from her substance abuse but the children continued to be threatened by M's cartel contacts in Mexico.

Theory of the case: SIJS based on abuse, abandonment, and neglect by mom. Once SIJS is approved court proceedings can be terminated.  

Commitment: SIJS – review predicate order, file SIJS application; Removal – terminate court proceedings
Asylum or other immigration interview: No
Court: Unlikely
Experience level/case team size recommended: Appropriate for any experience level; 1-2 attorneys

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